by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Mar 3, 2017 | bookchin, ecology, property, tragedy of commons
Almost a century and a half ago Thomas Carlyle described economics as “the dismal science.” The term was to stick, especially as it applied to economics premised on a supposedly unavoidable conflict between “insatiable needs” and “scarce...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Feb 11, 2017 | proudhon
from: the general idea of the revolution in the 19th century To you, business men, I dedicate these new essays. You have always been the boldest, the most skillful revolutionaries. It was you who, from the third century of the Christian era, drew the winding-sheet...
by margaret | Feb 3, 2017 | woodcock
George Woodcock (1969) I was asked to write on decentralism in history, and I find myself looking into shadows where small lights shine as fireflies do, endure a little, vanish, and then reappear like Auden’s messages of the just. The history of decentralism has...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Feb 3, 2017 | bookchin, ecology
Here, I shall try to show how the new technology can be used ecologically to crystallize man’s sense of dependence upon the natural world into the human experience, so we can contribute to the achievement of human wholeness. Town and Country Classical utopians...
by margaret | Jan 31, 2017 | bookchin
THE ECOLOGICAL USE OF TECHNOLOGY I have tried, thus far, to deal with a number of tangible, clearly objective issues: the possibility of eliminating toil, material insecurity, and centralized economic control. In the present section, I would like to deal with a...
by margaret | Jan 31, 2017 | land, landlords game, law, property, usufruct
Usufruct, in Roman-based legal systems, the temporary right to the use and enjoyment of the property of another, without changing the character of the property. This legal concept developed in Roman law and found significant application in the determination of the...
by margaret | Jan 31, 2017 | bookchin, confederalism
Few arguments have been used more effectively to challenge the case for face-to-face participatory democracy than the claim that we live in a complex society. Modern population centers, we are told, are too large and too concentrated to allow for direct...
by margaret | Jan 9, 2017 | justice, proudhon
The theologians answer: All justice comes from God That is true; but we know no more than before. The philosophers ought to be better informed: they have argued so much about justice and injustice! Unhappily, an examination proves that their knowledge amounts to...
by margaret | Jan 2, 2017 | proudhon
by margaret | Dec 31, 2016 | contract liberty
The question whether this act is valid as a labor law, pure and simple, may be dismissed in a few words. There is no reasonable ground for interfering with the liberty of person or the right of free contract by determining the hours of labor in the...