by margaret | Jun 28, 2016 | landlords game, tax
THE LANDLORD’S GAME The Landlord’s Game may be played by two or more. Each player selects one piece, and, if there are two players, each provides himself with $6oo; if three players, each $500; if four players, each $400. All money and implements...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Jun 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
Open Economy The economy in Cizîre/Rojava is functioning on a survival basis. The other cantons, Afrin and Kobanê, depend on the wealth of Cizîre. Our economy is vital for the others. We are paying all costs for institutions of self-government and public services. We...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Jun 16, 2016 | burke
Edmund Burke You hope, sir, that I think the French deserving of liberty. I certainly do. I certainly think that all men who desire it, deserve it. It is not the reward of our merit, or the acquisition of our industry. It is our inheritance. It is the birthright of...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Jun 16, 2016 | bookchin, confederalism, platform
If many pragmatic people are blind to the importance of decentralism, many in the ecology movement tend to ignore very real problems with “localism” — problems no less troubling than the problems raised by a globalism that fosters a total interlocking of economic and...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Jun 16, 2016 | bookchin, confederalism, platform
Above all, I have tried to show in my previous writings how confederation on a municipal basis has existed in sharp tension with the centralized state generally, and the nation-state of recent times. Confederalism, I have tried to emphasize, is not simply a unique...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Jun 16, 2016 | bookchin, confederalism, platform
Decentralism and self-sustainability must involve a much broader principle of social organization than mere localism. Together with decentralization, approximations to self-sufficiency, humanly scaled communities, ecotechnologies, and the like, there is a compelling...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Jun 16, 2016 | bookchin, confederalism, platform
The assumption that what currently exists must necessarily exist is the acid that corrodes all visionary thinking (as witness the recent tendency of radicals to espouse “market socialism” rather than deal with the failings of the market economy as well as state...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Jun 16, 2016 | bookchin, confederalism, platform
Murray Bookchin Few arguments have been used more effectively to challenge the case for face-to-face participatory democracy than the claim that we live in a “complex society.” Modern population centers, we are told, are too large and too concentrated to allow for...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Jun 15, 2016 | dao, merkle
In a DAO Democracy, how do we propose a bill, and how does it get adopted? Initially, anyone can propose a bill. It can be submitted at any time. If the prediction market says it has a positive impact on the collective welfare, it is adopted. If not, it is not. If the...
by Alan Forester-Kaiser | Jun 15, 2016 | dao, merkle
If we grant that the final result is desirable, how might it be achieved? What are the paths from the world as it exists today to this future, better world where sound governance is the rule and not the exception? An existing organization might already be taking an...